World Water Day 2019: How we are helping to make a difference

Most of us don’t know what it’s like to be thirsty. However, more than 780 million people still lack clean water and sanitation. It doesn’t have to be this way. To commemorate this World Water Day on 22nd March, we’ve rounded-up some highlights to give you an idea of what we and our partners are doing to help people access clean drinking water, protect the environment and reduce water-pollution.

Leaving nobody behind

Water is a basic human right which everyone should have access to. Advocates for social change, we teamed up with our 1% for the Planet NGO FRANK Water, a charity that works with some of the most deprived communities around the globe to provide clean water and sanitation. Over the last ten years, FRANK Water has provided funding for nearly 386,500 people in 442 communities and shows no signs of slowing down. This World Water Day, join FRANK Water Patron Anita Rani and give women and girls the gift of time and add your voice to FRANK Water's #6hours campaign and help raise £10,000.  You can also show support by buying a FRANK Water Klean Kanteen bottle here.


Plastic-free seas

Did you know that by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the sea?* Clean drinking water begins with healthy streams, rivers and groundwater. Our solution starts from the products we create and extends to our brand ambassadors like Cal Major, who completed a world record-breaking challenge to stand up and paddleboard the length of Britain to highlight the scale of plastic pollution.

Raising awareness

The ‘Blue Planet effect’ hasn’t worn off. From more zero-waste shops on the horizon to Labour environment secretary Michael Gove cutting single-use plastic for Lent, the tide has certainly turned on this human-made waste. We’re delighted to see our products and projects being featured in the media – and with the increased interest in re-usable products, we’ve made plenty of headlines so far. This review of the Klean Kanteen Kids Kanteen bottle in the Independent was a particular highlight!

1% for the planet

As a proud 1% For The Planet member, we’re contributing directly to environmental organisations dedicated to preserving and restoring our natural world. One of those organisations is NatureBridge. They take more than 35,000 children and teens each year into national parks to explore the great outdoors, connect with their peers and develop a lasting relationship with the environment.

Row for the ocean

This list would not be complete without mentioning our participation in the Row for the Ocean challenge. Four women: Ros, Kirsty, Laura and Kate were brought together by a passion for challenge, rowing and competition. In December they took on the world’s toughest row and travelled 2,698 miles across the Antarctic over 43 days – all to inspire an environmental change and create a plastic free Exeter by 2020.

We are determined to have clean oceans, restore wild places and make single-use plastics a thing of the past by encouraging everyone to #BringYourOwn. A big change starts with a small step, so how are you marking this World Water Day? Head to our social and share your ideas with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram